The atmosphere of the Earth plays an essential role in sustaining ecosystems. The atmospheric layer closest to the Earth's surface is the troposhere, which contains water vapor and clouds (these may also be considered part of the hydrosphere), as well as other gases, that envelop the Earth. This layer of gases is held in place by gravity, and is the most important layer of the atmosphere for the natural environment, since this layer spans the lowest seven kilometers above the surface, where most of the landforms and biota are present. Dry air consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon and other minor constituents such as helium and carbon dioxide.
The physical processes of interaction with the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and solar radiation are addressed by the study of meteorology. Meteorological parameters having the greatest influence on the natural environment are: temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind and the gradients and interactions of each variable, as well as their temporal variability. These meteorlogical variables are governed by crustal topography, ocean currents, diurnal and seasonal solar patterns and vegetative cover; in turn the metabolism of plants and animals are strongly influenced by these climatic variables, so that the regional meterology is an intrinsic part of the natural environment. (Mac.Noumi)
(Aceh, Indonesia / 11 February 2016)
(Bored Time, my simple room)
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Reviewed by Mac_Noumi
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