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        Pada suatu kesempatan, terjadilah perjumpaan diantara 7 orang. Terdiri dari 6 orang lelaki dan 1 orang wanita. Ketujuh orang ...
Tentang 7 Kampung Tentang 7 Kampung Reviewed by Mac_Noumi on 07.20.00 Rating: 5
W hen you think of pandas, you probably picture a big cuddly black-and-white bear. But there are actually two kinds of pandas: the g...
Cuddly Exotic Bears Cuddly Exotic Bears Reviewed by Mac_Noumi on 15.17.00 Rating: 5
T he common carp is a fish that lives along the muddy bottoms of ponds, lakes, and rivers. It swallows plants, insects, and anythin...
The Fishy Survivor The Fishy Survivor Reviewed by Mac_Noumi on 12.37.00 Rating: 5
Packed and Ready to Go (Camel) Packed and Ready to Go (Camel) Reviewed by Mac_Noumi on 12.22.00 Rating: 5